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This page is written partly in Japanese, partly in English or both.  

Classes Ikebana taught in English ' are held in Hiroshima and in Osaka.


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Our Ikebana Exhibition>

Hiroshima Class <Session 2011-3

 held on November 17,  2011



"I was afraid that the phoenix leaves may not be the right season plant. And I added a branch of cotton to give the arrangement a  wintry feeling," she said and smiled.  























We are glad that she could join us despite of her busy schedule of going back and forth between Germany and Japan.








She taught ikebana abroad. I am happy to find that teaching experiences have given her confidence in arranging.





She is originally from Thailand but lived in Paris when she was a university student, and has been in Japan for a long time. She took ikebana lessons before when in Tokyo.  No wonder she has a very nice ikebana sense!   She made two arrangements to display.  Thank you!









Pettit fruits of persimmon!



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She sent a photo of her ikebana arrangement from San Francisco. Nice! 

We can tell that she enjoys Ikebana in her everyday life.




This is from Argentine where it is spring! 

The materials are spring flowers of Hydrangea and the yellow flower called Phlomis, Okisewata in Japanese.

Various countries have various plants, naturally.  I am very happy to see arrangements in ikebana way using plants unfamiliar to Japanese people.

Those who took my class before, please send me photos of your ikebana arrangements with materials you find wherever you live!


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Now please enjoy the photos from the party.











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<Photos From the past exhibitions>

Session: 2011-2




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<Photos From the past exhibitions>

Session: 2011-1


Happy girls!! 




Session: 2010-3




Session: 2010-2



Session: 2010-1 




Session: 2009-3




Session: 2009-2




Session: 2009-1



Session: 2008-3



Session: 2008-2



Session: 2008-1


Session: 2007-3



Session: 2007-2






Session: 2007-1



Session: 2006-3



Session : 2006-2



Session : 2006-1




Session : 2005-3



Session: 2005-2



Session: 2005-1



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Photos from the ordinary classes are shown on this page

mail  :


Ph.D. of Aesthetics   Eiko Suzuki

芸術学博士・小原流いけばな教授会特別会員 鈴木 榮子


731-0154 広島市中区幟町12-16 #202   Tel082-221-3515